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Informational Meeting in Alfred-Wegener Institute (AWI)


Bremerhaven, Germany

7-8 December, 2015

The main aim of the meeting was to exchange experience of different ice-core processing methods, especially, di‐electric properties measurements (DEP), a capacitive method for measuring an ice core's electrical conductivity and permittivity. DEP measurements are carried out first on the full and uncut core. A DEP instrument is essentially a calibrated scanning capacitor that measures a section of ice core by having it serve as it dielectric. At the beginning of the meeting. Pavel Talalay gave a talk “Research projects and development of Polar Research Center at Jilin University, China”.

IDDO Technical Advisory Board meeting 2015

Madison, USA

14-15 September, 2015

IDDO held its annual Technical Advisory Board (TAB) Meeting in Union South, Madison with drilling experts from all over the world and from a wide variety of fields. IDDO presented on the current status of IDDO field projects, equipment development projects, and equipment maintenance and upgrade efforts. As with each TAB meeting, IDDO gained very valuable feedback from board members on equipment development projects, ideas regarding new technologies in ice drilling and other fields, as well as input on field project logistics. Pavel Talalay gave a talk “Current state of Chinese ice‐drilling projects in Antarctica”.

ISAES XII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences

Goa, India

13-17 July 2015

ISAES XII brought together scientists studying the different components of Polar Earth Science to exchange information and perspectives. Study of geological archives, ice cores, and modern systems offers an unrivalled opportunity to reconstruct and understand the Earth’s climatic variability - something which impacts on all countries and peoples of the world. The Symposium was hosted by National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR), in Goa. Four PRC members (Pavel Talalay, Rusheng Wang, Nan Zhang, and Yang Yang) took part in the symposium with six presentations:

1. “Temperature gradient and geothermal flux in the deep boreholes drilled through Antarctic Ice Sheet”

2. “Recent progress on Chinese Deep Ice-Core Drilling Project DK-1 at Dome A”

3. “Exploration of Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica: background and plans for the near future”

4. “Issues and options for rapid access ice drilling in Antarctica”

5. “Rapid intermediate subice geological drilling technology with air reverse-circulation continual sampling in Antarctica”

6. “Research progress of debris-rich ice drilling technology”

Subglacial Antarctic lake exploration: first results and future plans

Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire, UK

30-31 March 2015

The meeting was organized by UK Royal Society, the oldest society for science still in existence (f. in 1660) and took place Chicheley Hall, English country house bought by society in 2007. Chicheley Hall locates in Buckinghamshire near 100 km north-west from London. Scientists attending the meeting identified three priority recommendations for future research. First, development of technology for clean, reliable deep-ice access and subsequent in situ data acquisition is essential for subglacial lake exploration. Second, a variety of subglacial environments must be considered for exploration before the full extent of subglacial biodiversity and cross correlation of climate records can be evaluated. Finally, international cooperation is necessary to optimize resources, allowing the sharing of logistics, equipment, and samples. Participants debated the merits of targets for future exploration, including deep-water lakes at the ice sheet center, hydrologically active lakes closer to the margin, former subglacial lakes now covered with thin ice, and deep sedimentary basins where extensive groundwater may exist.

The International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia

Kathmandu, Nepal

1-6 March, 2015

The symposium was organized by the International Glaciological Society (IGS) and covered areas like past, present, and future glacier change, observations and models of glacier dynamics. To understand changes in snow, ice, and permafrost due to climatic changes, the symposium provided a forum to discuss advances in measurements, modeling, and interpretation of glaciological and cryospheric changes in high mountain Asia. Prof. Alexey Markov gave presentation “High precision temperature and pressure logger”.

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